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4-Way Handshake


I was thinking to write about the 4-way handshake and started to think that from where I should start writing. Shall I just describe 4-way handshake which can be found everywhere on the web or shall I do a deep dive?  Reason for me to write is to make it easier to understand for non WiFi people who can just read and understand because sometimes different terminologies used in this process can be confusing. So, let’s start with…

What is 4-way Handshake:

The 4-way handshake is the process of exchanging 4 messages between an access point (authenticator) and the client device (supplicant) to generate some encryption keys which can be used to encrypt actual data sent over Wireless medium. These keys which are generated through 4-way handshake are generated by some source key material which will be discussed later.

If you do not want to get confused about the terminologies used in 4-way handshake then let’s have a quick look. Let’s see what terminologies we might come across to understand 4-way handshake. I would say don’t be scared of these terminologies. It’s like much ado about nothing.

These are the few keys we will be discussing…

  • MSK (Master Session Key)
  • PMK (Pairwise Master Key)
  • GMK (Group Master Key)
  • PTK (Pairwise Transit Key)
  • GTK (Group Temporal Key)
  • ANonce
  • SNonce
  • MIC

I will start by talking about the keys which are generated during the 4-way handshake and towards the keys and other variables needed in order to generate these keys.

PTK (Pairwise Transit Key):

Pairwise transit key is used to encrypt all unicast traffic between a client station and the access point. PTK is unique between a client station and access point. To generate PTK, client device and access point need the following information.

PTK = PRF (PMK + Anonce + SNonce + Mac (AA)+ Mac (SA))

Anonce is a random number generated by an access point (authenticator), Snonce a random number generated by the client device (supplicant). MAC addresses of supplicant (client device) and MAC address of authenticator (access point). PRF is a pseudo-random function which is applied to all the input.

PTK is dependent on another high-level key PMK (pairwise master key) which is discussed below.

GTK (Group Temporal Key):

Group temporal key is used to encrypt all broadcast and multicast traffic between an access point and multiple client devices. GTK is the key which is shared between all client devices associated with 1 access point. For every access point, there will be a different GTK which will be shared between its associated devices.

GTK is dependent on another high-level key GMK (group master key) discussed below.

PMK (Pairwise Master Key):

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a very good doc for understanding iptables.


he Linux kernel comes with a packet filtering framework named netfilter. It allows you to allow, drop and modify traffic leaving in and out of a system. A tool, iptables builds upon this functionality to provide a powerful firewall, which you can configure by adding rules. In addition, other programs such as fail2ban also use iptables to block attackers.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at how iptables works. We’re also going to look at a few examples, which will help you write your own rules.

How does iptables work?

iptables is just a command-line interface to the packet filtering functionality in netfilter. However, to keep this article simple, we won’t make a distinction between iptables and netfilter in this article, and simply refer to the entire thing as “iptables”.


The packet filtering mechanism provided by iptables is organized into three different kinds of structures: tables, chains and targets. Simply put, a table is something that allows you to process packets in specific ways. The default table is the filter table, although there are other tables too.

Again, these tables have chains attached to them. These chains allow you to inspect traffic at various points, such as when they just arrive on the network interface or just before they’re handed over to a process. You can add rules to them match specific packets — such as TCP packets going to port 80 — and associate it with a target. A target decides the fate of a packet, such as allowing or rejecting it.

When a packet arrives (or leaves, depending on the chain), iptables matches it against rules in these chains one-by-one. When it finds a match, it jumps onto the target and performs the action associated with it. If it doesn’t find a match with any of the rules, it simply does what the default policy of the chain tells it to. The default policy is also a target. By default, all chains have a default policy of allowing packets.

Now, we’re going to take a deeper look into each of these structures.


As we’ve mentioned previously, tables allow you to do very specific things with packets. On a modern Linux distributions, there are four tables:

  • The filter table: This is the default and perhaps the most widely used table. It is used to make decisions about whether a packet should be allowed to reach its destination.
  • The mangle table: This table allows you to alter packet headers in various ways, such as changing TTL values.
  • The nat table: This table allows you to route packets to different hosts on NAT (Network Address Translation) networks by changing the source and destination addresses of packets. It is often used to allow access to services that can’t be accessed directly, because they’re on a NAT network.
  • The raw table: iptables is a stateful firewall, which means that packets are inspected with respect to their “state”. (For example, a packet could be part of a new connection, or it could be part of an existing connection.) The raw table allows you to work with packets before the kernel starts tracking its state. In addition, you can also exempt certain packets from the state-tracking machinery.

In addition, some kernels also have a security table. It is used by SELinux to implement policies based on SELinux security contexts.

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[音響論壇] 調整LP唱盤的八大基本功

音響論壇第87期 217-221頁 作者/劉漢盛。 










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[音響論壇] 調整LP唱盤的八大基本功

音響論壇第87期 217-221頁 作者/劉漢盛。 










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 原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?p=2598034





原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?p=2598034

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一.   arm-linux-objcopy被用来复制一个目标文件的内容到另一个文件中,可用于不同源文件的之间的格式转换
二.   示例:
Arm-linux-objcopy –o binary –S elf_file bin_file

三.   常用的选项:
input-file , outflie

2.-l bfdname或—input-target=bfdname
3.-O bfdname 输出的格式
4.-F bfdname 同时指明源文件,目的文件的格式
5.-R sectionname 从输出文件中删除掉所有名为sectionname的段
6.-S 不从源文件中复制重定位信息和符号信息到目标文件中
7.-g 不从源文件中复制调试符号到目标文件中

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iptables 封包過瀘規則


Kernel 2.4.x


  • pinfo iptables
  • netfilter
  • Linux 伺服器安全防護 (O'REILLY, ISBN: 986-7794-18-4)
  • Linux iptables Pocket reference (O'REILLY, ISBN: 986-7794-39-7)
  • Linux Firewalls (New Riders, ISBN: 0735710996)

Linux 在做封包過瀘時,是由 kernel 的 netfilter 在實際做封包的過瀘,並非由 iptables 來做,而 iptables 最主要的功能,是用來設定 netfilter 的規則,iptables 可以用來設計防火牆或封包傳送的規則,也可以顯示目前核心 (kernel) 的 netfilter 過瀘狀態。

netfilter 攔截網路封包,分別有五個地方,這五個地方分別為 PREROUTING、POSTROUTING、INPUT、OUTPUT及 FORWRD。這五個 chains 分別為網路封包旅程時會依其狀態而經過。

以下為這五個 chains 的攔截點圖:

上圖可以很清楚看到這五個 chains 的位置,而封包在經過網路介面時,會判別該封包是會往那裡去,然而也是我們在做 iptables 設置時要搞清楚的地方。

    封包在轉送的時候,如(從 A 到 B 網段)

iptables 三種過瀘規則

  • filter
    這是預設的規則,如果都不指定類別 (table),那麼就會使用 filter 來當做預設的規則,filter 用來過瀘封包的來源 (埠)、目的 (埠) 和其它的類別,filter 可以使用處理 INPUT, OUTPUT, FORWARD 等 chains.
  • nat

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